The Trust currently works on the following projects:
Vasantham Community Banking Program
This program is aimed at helping the women to inculcate the habit of savings, availing banking facilities and supporting their livelihood.We plan to cover 20000 women in self help groups.The women will be grouped in 15 to 20 members and the Trust will guide them in all savings and borrowings for livelihood.
She E Global Program
This program helps the high skilled women under 30 to show their talent in the international area and monetize their talent to get value and recognition. The focus point is on the skills of our women in the digital marketing,BPO and Content provision.We plan to cover 100 women.
Our volunteer team in US ,UK and India will work on marketing these services.
Hand in Hand Training Program
In association with private and Government organisation,we plan to conduct training program in computer,trade skills and leadership.We will cover 1000 women under this program.